She’s 2!

Isn’t it strange how time is relative? I mean, two years can seem to pass in an instant, and yet when I look at my daughter, JJ, it seems like she’s been here forever, not just 24 months. It’s hard to remember a time when she wasn’t a part of our family. She turned two on Sunday while we were camping, but I wanted to make sure to pay tribute to my baby girl. Better late than never!

I remember when I found out that I was having another girl, I was so excited. I couldn’t wait to meet her, and I loved her so much even before I first laid eyes on her. My pregnancy with her had its ups and downs – though I admit, I have easy pregnancies, I just whine a lot. I remember having a LOT of back pain with her, though. Something I hadn’t experienced with the others. I saw a lot of my chiropractor during those few months.

She gave us a bit of a scare when she was breach for a while. I remember crying when not one, but three doctors examined me and all concluded that she was indeed breach. They also were concerned because of how big she was getting. They sent me for an ultrasound the next day. I remember praying all night that somehow she would turn on her own. The doctors were trying to convince me to have them manually try turning her, which I wasn’t a fan of. Anyway, as I was laying awake the night before the ultrasound, I felt her flip right over – and trust me, it hurt! But I knew she had turned and my prayers had been answered.

The next day I had my ultrasound and sure enough, she had flipped! YES! However, I was due in two weeks and she was already measuring 8 lbs. My doctor made the appointment for me to be induced the day before my due date – I had a habit of going well overdue and my last baby was over 9 lbs. I agreed with my doctor that I didn’t want to chance the complications large babies can bring. I was excited.

During 2006 there was a HUGE baby boom – and I ended up waiting in the hospital for 12 hours after my appointment before I was finally induced. I had her about 5 hours later – and it was the easiest labor ever. I had an epidural which worked wonderfully! It was awesome! And she was perfect. 8lbs 9 oz of perfection. Lots of black hair, pouty full lips, dark blue eyes, chubby cheeks. She was everything I knew she would be.

The girls all loved her – well, BB didn’t want anything to do with her for a good week, but then she warmed up to her. I don’t blame her – who wants another baby showing up and ruining a good thing? LOL! It’s funny because now BB and JJ are best buddies.

JJ was a very happy and contented baby. She loved to sit and nap in the automatic baby swing we kept in the dining room. She slept through the night quickly and would go days between crying!! Such an angel. I like to say we ended on a good note 🙂

She lasted as a happy and content baby until she reached about 11 months old and decided she had an opinion that begged sharing. LOL! She had the most expressive looks she would give people – even when she was really young. People were always disarmed by the very adult expressions on her face. Even now she communicates through her eyes and face a LOT. Even if I can’t understand the words, I know what she’s saying by the look in her eyes. I’m so interested to see how that translates when she’s a teenager! She still is a generally happy go lucky kid – though she is very independent now and gets easily frustrated when she can’t keep up with her big sisters. But what 2 year olds aren’t like that? 🙂

She started out with black hair and blue eyes, and now, 2 years later, she is blonde as blonde can be with beautiful hazel eyes like her daddy. She still has those pouty lips and kissy cheeks, but every day I see more and more “big girl” and less and less “baby” in her. I’m trying to cherish each day with her because she’s my baby – you know how it is. There are too many things I just don’t want to forget about her. The way she sings “Big girls don’t cry”, the way she nuzzles into my neck when she’s tired or being shy, the way she rolls her eyes at her daddy when he’s being silly, her low giggly laugh when her sisters play with her.

Yep, time is relative. How did she get to be 2 so fast? And how could it be that she hasn’t been with me forever? I love you JJ – to the moon and back! Happy birthday, big girl!

7 thoughts on “She’s 2!

  1. WOW! Where did the time go??? She really is two isn’t she.What a wonderful tribute. You always have been SO good at recording your daughter’s lives for them.Loved to hear your pregnancy story. I did not know that one. AMAZING how prayers are answered, eh?One thing….How come no doctors told me I could be induced due to overly large babies? How come no one ever mentioned the word epidurals to me? I was never even asked if I wanted one. : ( LOL!P.S. She sure is cutie. Just like her mommy.


  2. Happy Birthday!!!I can't believe she is 2 – she is sooooo cute, she always has been!I can't believe how “big” you were, I don't remember that seeing you every AM at school!& the pic of you & her when she was a little wee baby is a great pic!So when's the next one????!!!!


  3. What a sweet tribute. It’s amazing how fast they grow and how much it seems like they have belonged here forever… all at the same time. I totally get that.


  4. Happy birthday to your little munchkin. She sure looks adorable in all her baby pics..especially the one of you and her…All your girls are adorable..Many hugs and God bless!Tejal


  5. Isn’t prayer wonderful!! After I had Mason he started to look very yellow. I asked one of the nurses and she said that she thought for sure that he was joundice (I don’t know how to spell this). I remember going to have my bath and praying to heavenly father saying ” I know that you can fix this and I want you to do it now.” By the time I had finished my bath his coloring was perfect. Yes prayer is indeed wonderful.


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