Free Friday – Right is Right Printable

There are a lot of quotes out there that make me stop and say “Wow…that is TRUE!” and this was definitely one of them. Sometimes it seems like the world is upside down and backward. But in the end, we know what is right and what is wrong – and that doesn’t change, no matter how many people are doing what is wrong, or how few are doing what is right. Wrong IS wrong, even if everyone is doing it. And right IS right, even if you are alone in doing it. So, take courage and stand for the right, even if it means you are standing alone.
Feel free to download this 4X6 printable for personal use, just become a follower of my blog through Google Friend Connect, and leave a short comment! That’s it! I hope you have a wonderful Friday, and pop back next week for another free printable!


15 thoughts on “Free Friday – Right is Right Printable

  1. I love that you are willing to share your talents for no cost. Especially when it's these statements that stand for something.


  2. Hi! Thanks for this wonderful printable! I plan on printing it for my 12-13 year girls I teach at church and sticking a magnet on the back for them to put in the back of their lockers this school year:) Thanks!


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