Count Down to Candy!

I wish I owned some wood working tools. A router, a saw, a sander, I want it all! My mom is the queen work worker, but I guess I never caught the bug. But, THIS project? I can do 🙂 It’s SO cute and I’ve wanted to make one for a while. It’s a little countdown calendar to Halloween (but just wait… I’m making a Christmas one, too!)
You will need to get some square wood blocks. Easiest way is to go to your local Home Renovations store (i.e. Home Depot) and ask them to cut them for you. Usually they will do it for free. Just buy a post and have them cut them into squares for you. You will also need a base. You can just get a piece of ply wood, or you could use your post and just have them cut it double length for one piece. Make sense?
Now, you’ll need 12 different pieces of patterned paper, cut to 1/4 inch smaller than the face of the square blocks. My blocks measured 3″ by 3″, so I cut my papers to be 2.75″ square. 
You can skip this step if you want to, but I inked the edges of the papers.
Choose a paint color that matches your papers, and paint around the edges of the block, about a half inch in or so, on all sides.

Now all you have to do is mod podge the papers on, add number stickers ( or cut some with your die cutting machine) and adhere them. There is a specific order you need to add the numbers, though, so pay close attention to this:

Block #1:

2 (top)
                           1   3   5   0  (around the sides)
       6 (bottom)
Block #2:
0 (top)
                           1   8   7   2  (around the sides)
        4 (bottom)
Now you’ve got your blocks! For the base, paint in a matching color, then add your saying in letter stickers or vinyl! Voila! You are ready to start counting down! It could also be used like a calendar to just count UP to a date, too.

I sprayed mine with glimmer mist to give it some shimmer, and added a couple of vinyl shapes to add some interest. I love it! Now, my next project will be my Christmas set! Yippee!


3 thoughts on “Count Down to Candy!

  1. I like this tutorial very much! We just built a fence this year so lucky me already has the wood to make it! Now…if I can just find that cute paper that you used!!!


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