Free Friday! Keep Trying Quote

 Quite some time ago, I came across this quote from Gordon B. Hinckley at a time when I was feeling rather discouraged and down trodden. Picturing that great man saying these wonderful, uplifting words with that twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face totally brightened my mood and hope filled up that empty space I was feeling. Life IS good, and things WILL work out. There is so much to be happy about, to rejoice in. It is now one of my favorite quotes and I’m SO THRILLED to be sharing it as a free printable with all of you. I created it in four colors, but also as a white background with bright, colorful, rainbow words and a variety of fun fonts because that, to me, represents the spirit of the quote. I hope you like it, and maybe there is someone in your life that could use some uplifting words today 🙂

15 thoughts on “Free Friday! Keep Trying Quote

  1. This quote is wonderful and I believe that in the end things *will* wok out. Thank you Bobbi-Jo for creating this printable and dharing it with al of us.



  2. Recently found your blog.. I've been redecorating my place. I love inspiring and encouraging quotes and this is definitely a keeper! I love your site. I glad I found it.. I'm a new fan and follower! ❤


  3. Hi there,

    I just sent you another message, but I am not so sure it went through. So if not, would you be willing to make this same quote in charcoal gray? Love your work.

    Thanks for the inspiration.

    Shalet Godfrey


  4. Just wanted to especially thank you for this great printable… I had pinned it some time ago and after a frustrating day of trying to paint a sign on barn wood for a gift exchange and it not working out twice, I decided I would browse my Words boards and find a quote I could create a printable out of and frame instead. Seeing this reminded me, first, that it's ok even if it was a craft failure day and saved me from additional headache of creating something as this is beautiful. This was just the sentiment I needed and I know it will be appreciated by our family as a gift… Anyhow, thanks again- I needed this in several ways tonight! Hope you have a great rest of the weekend 🙂


  5. Thank you very much for sharing what you have created. I am going to give a copy to my Sister who is going through a hard time.


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