Fall colors and some Autumn fun!

How excited are you that we are finally getting some lovely autumn weather to enjoy? The crisp, dry leaves, the brilliant blue sky, the tiny nip in the air – I love this season!

After having to reschedule a zillion times due to driving wind and snow, we were SO blessed with a gorgeous 22 degree day, complete with sunshine and blue skies. I was thrilled to photograph this family, who also got into the autumn spirit with their fall colored clothing.


I also promised I’d tell you about my fun visit with my cousins!! I was beyond thrilled when they called to see if they could visit over thanksgiving. Um… YES!!! We love these guys SO much and have missed them like crazy since moving here. Mark is my cousin, but we became good friends with them after living a few doors down when our kids were just babies. We have so much in common and can laugh like no one is watching. Friends like this are hard to find!

Their girls are the same ages (roughly) as ours, so they had no problem playing together right off the bat. I was giddy about meeting their newest addition, baby ‘R’ who was a complete doll the entire time.
This is ‘A’ who is as mischevious as Bayboo is. They got a long swimmingly. I just loved getting to know her funny personality (she takes after her dad in a LOT of good ways).

And like I said, Baby ‘R’ was so sweet and content the entire time, even letting her mom and dad sleep at night! What a good girl. So nice meeting you, baby!

And of course, gorgeous miss ‘M’. We go way back, us two. I remember how sweet she was when I was expecting B and she and TJ would have plenty of play dates. She and TJ had fun all weekend playing on their DSes and generally being girly together 🙂

As for us grown ups, we visited until 2 am for the first 2 nights before crashing early the third night. We are all getting very old, you know 🙂 I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard I cried – but Christie got me doing it! Remember, “Who’s a grumpy candy corn?” LOL! Okay, you had to be there.

We spent our weekend visiting the indoor haymaze (since the weather was still crappy, touring the Legislative building, and taking them to the museum, which we all enjoyed (I do every time I go!). We watched movies, snacked, and talked about everything and nothing. Such a nice visit, and over way too soon.

Last weekend, while the weather was warm, we decided to take some pics for our Christmas card, with the help of our trusty tripod, and then let the kids play in the leaves in the yard. It was SO gorgeous out and the kids were having the time of their young lives!

 And what would Autumn be without some dancing. What would LIFE be without it?
 And some jumping in the sunset 🙂
And some monkeys climbing trees…
 And some daddy’s getting serious with the rake! Even breaking off the handle!
 Ooops, another tree climbing money! Seems to be a lot of those around this place. Hmmm.. this one looks a little sketchy.
 And some beautiful girls just waiting demurely for their turn in the leaf pile.
 A cutie patootie NOT waiting her turn to get into that leaf pile. Who can say no to that face?
 Laying in the leaf pile, hoping that there is nothing slimy or squishy in there – getting into your hair, or shirt, or pants. (shudder)
 Oh, who cares what’s in the leaves? This is WAY too much fun!
And that’s the ‘end’ 😉

8 thoughts on “Fall colors and some Autumn fun!

  1. Those pics are “BEAUTIFUL”…..you have captured the inner person in each of those……I am going to be taking a photography class soon and hope to acquire some talent myself.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Laurie VF


  2. Thanks for the comments on the blog.
    The slideshow program is called Soundslides. You can find it at http://www.soundslides.com. You can add audio tracks to it as well. You have to host the slideshows on another site though as the slideshow is too large to host on blogger or wordpress.

    So I publish the slideshow to my website and then copy and paste the html to the blogger post using a utility you can find by googling Soundslides Embed Utility. This probably is more than you wanted to know, but if you want some more specifics, just email me.


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