My Niece’s Wedding

It was a gorgeous, cloudless day, for a February in Canada, and the Bride and Groom were absolutely radiant. The sealing was beautiful – I learned so much from the sealer – Bro. Rosenval (not sure if that’s the spelling). I was so happy to be there with 2 of my sisters and my brother, as well as my parents. We seem to keep running into each other at the temple – and what better place?

My niece was stunning – truly. Just a little eye make up and her smile and she stole the show. Her winning personality had a lot to do with it 😉

Her new husband (what, my nephew-in-law?) is so stinkin‘ funny. Seriously, a hoot! And being handsome doesn’t hurt!

I had some fun with different processing techniques. They will receive every photo in regular color and black and white, with a few fun ones like this thrown in;

The brides maids were not only some of the most gorgeous I’ve seen, but also SO funny. Such a pleasure to work with. Why was I nervous again?


This is just a sampling of the MANY MANY photos they will be getting. It was so fun to be there and what an honor to be asked to be their photographer. I had to laugh because my niece made a comment about me being the photographer and I told her how strange that sounds – I don’t feel like I’m a photographer – just someone who takes pictures!

8 thoughts on “My Niece’s Wedding

  1. oh mah heaven’s you are fabulous! they are the most gorgeous pictures ( and subjects). great job and thanks for the music ( T has been singing Big girls all day ). fun stuff.


  2. I can surely see why they wanted you as their photographer! You work just blows me away, it’s simply STUNNING! I’m sure your niece is going to be ecstatic with her wedding album!


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