Busy but Bored

Do you ever feel that way?? Always busy doing something, but bored at the same time? I think I need a change of scenery – I need to get out! Being busy inside the same four walls, day after day, really grinds on my nerves after a while. I think I need a girls night… boy I wish I had someone to go and see “Mama Mia” with!

What have we been up to lately? Glad you asked (ha ha). I’ve mostly been busy with one photo shoot after another after another, and things aren’t slowing down any time soon! The latest (besides the one I’ve got later today) was this cutie pie:

She was about a week old, and was so alert and beautiful! We did discover, though, that she hates being naked – especially in front of a camera, but seriously – can’t we all relate? LOL! Her parents are such nice people (I know, I say it all the time – but I get to work with such nice, nice people!!) and they were very patient while we tried different ways to capture their beautiful baby girl.

She finally settled down when they changed her into her Rough Riders jersey shirt – I guess she’s as big a fan as her parents are! LOL! She finally fell right asleep and we managed to get quite a few fun shots of her. Go Riders!!

Friday I took the kiddos (the two miniature kiddos) to the park for a nature walk. One thing I absolutely adore about our city is the beautiful, beautiful parks they have all over! Not only that, but they have gorgeous planters and gardens all throughout the city which are still completely in bloom! I’m just in awe of how beautiful this place is, and I’m so glad we live here!

This park was just across the street from a fantastic museum that we love to go to. The kids loved walking in the leaves, hearing the crunch, seeing all of the colors.

We all had a lot of fun following this little guy around:

Saturday was spent cleaning the house while my hubby was in classes – I also went to the amazing General Relief Society Broadcast and was completely uplifted and edified. The talks were just what I needed to hear to encourage me to keep pressing forward, and to re-evaluate my priorities. I especially loved Elder Uchdorf’s talk – what an uplifting message! I encourage every woman to read it, or listen to it. It’s awesome.

Sunday was Sunday – busy and beautiful. Thankfully I had no meetings, but my husband had one after church. I could have gone home with the kids, but he took the keys into the meeting with him – so we waited afterwards, visiting with several missionaries, and listening to my children attempting (poorly) to be reverent for an hour!

TJ has been working steadily on her “Faith in God” booklet, which sets out areas she can accomplish goals in. She loves doing them and seeing her progress. On Sunday, she wanted to do some service, and at the same time develop a new talent or skill – so she asked if she could prepare dinner for the family. My first instinct was to say no – I mean, it was Fast Sunday (which means we fast for 2 meals) so I was hungry and itching to just get dinner made, no fuss. But, I have to admit that she is getting older and I should encourage her to try new things. So, I said sure. Under my close supervision, she made a delicious shrimp stir-fry, with rice. And for dessert, she made rice pudding (I’ve never even made it myself, so it was a first for all of us!).

I found it funny that I’ve never seen her eat her food more enthusiastically! And the rest of the family was praising her food – daddy even served himself a huge second helping. Wow. I wish I received such a reception every meal I prepare! HA! It was delicious, though – she did a fantastic job!

Monday was fairly uneventful – laundry, and a walk to the park for Family Home Evening. But oh, I can not forget to share the most joyous part of the day. Discovering JJ with a pair of scissors and a LOT less hair.
*sigh* So much for our family photos for our Christmas cards..I guess we can always put a Santa hat on her. She is lucky she’s so adorable, or she’d be dead. We’ve had to bury our scissors, which makes scrapbooking kinda hard 😉 The nice thing about hair… it grows back.

Not much else been going on besides the ho hum dee dum of every day life. I have to tell you, though, I’m so tired of seeing all of the political commercials on TV. I understand the party leaders need to promote themselves, but all I’m seeing is one bash fest after another. What I’m NOT seeing is WHAT the candidates plan to do for ME. It’s all about how awful the other guy is – all the bad things the other guy has done. Let’s face it, people – all politicians have made stupid decisions! In fact, all PEOPLE have! I find it funny that the Liberals are jumping on the way the Conservative have governed – their “methods” so to speak. Sorry, but I haven’t forgotten the Liberal’s “method” of choice – steal as much as you can without getting caught. Sheesh. I’m not falling for their platform. Once again, it’s like choosing the lesser of two evils (or, in Canada’s case – FIVE evils). But, it’s not stopping me from voting. I’ve got to make my voice heard, or I have no right to complain later 😉

Well, enough rhetoric from me. My next family is here for their photoshootttyl!

13 thoughts on “Busy but Bored

  1. your family is gorgeous– no hair or not! LOL Want my opinion (haha, like you have a choice!)– take the family photos JUST LIKE THAT! You’ll look back on this time and laugh, and people will see that it happens to the best of us– yes, even BobbiJo!


  2. You know….I thought I was the only one who felt BLAH even though I am rushing around in a whirl wind. Good to know someone else feels the same.Hey, that is so great that you allowed TJ to make that meal! I mean….you are just the BEST mom ever! Look at her smile. That speaks volumes.Love your photos, as always. I sure wish we could come and visit your city. IT looks amazing! Love the fallness of it all.


  3. that is the funniest picture of J. I’m sure you’ll figure something cute for the christmas photos! and even coming home from a holiday I feel the busy but bored syndrome too. too bad we don’t live closer to go see mamma mia. I even have cool new pj bottoms to watch it with the girls!!!


  4. Love the hair picture!! I cut my sisters bangs once… I was 8 she was 3 🙂 heheheDefinatly have her front and centre in your picture. It will be something to look back and laugh at in the years to come.OH you have to go see Mamma Mia, make that your next girl night out! I’ve seen it twice!


  5. Your pics are lovely! Oh my gosh, I'm sorry but, JJ haircut is toooo funny – to me maybe but, I'm sure not to you, you could always get a wig for her! It looks like she was trying to give herself a mohawk! Sorry – hugz!Well if I was there I would see Mamma Mia AGAIN with YOU, it is a great flick! I loved it & I can't wait for it to come out on DVD.I can totally relate to being busy but bored…I call it being “restless.”


  6. My mouth just went open for several seconds when I saw the hair photo! WOW!You do need a girls night out. I go out with my sisters weekly and it really helps me get of being Mom/servant and feel a little like me.Great photos!


  7. I always check out your blog, but don’t post enough…your pictures are gorgeous! And if you’re busy but bored, I guess that’s a good thing…busy and overwhelmed is the other alternative, and if you’re not that, then you’re good!!(did that make sense? hehe!)


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