Check this out!

There is some great blog candy up for grabs over at Michelle’s! I know all you digi nuts will love it. But please don’t enter because it will lessen my chance at winning! LOL! Okay, you can enter – but just don’t win 🙂

Here is the fun project I was telling you about yesterday. It’s a neat take on an “All About Me” album in that it tells about where I’ve been, where I am now, and where I’m going. Basically I chose 5 action words that describe me, in a way. The words I chose were. 1. play, 2. learn, 3. create 4. Nurture, and 5. Love. Then I simply chose photos that represented each of those words in the past, present, and future tenses. Okay, it’s a but confusing. When you open the album, the First column shows each of those words in past tense, with a photo representing each and some journaling. The middle column is the same, only in present tense, and the third column is photos in future tense. So, for example. The first column (when you flip up the circle with the number1) says “I Played” with a photo from my teenage days being goofy with my friend. The second column under the number 1 says “I Play” with a photo of me and my daughter in the pool. The third column says “I’ll Play” with a photo of a beautiful beach, and some journaling about my idea of how I’ll play in the future. That continues on with each different word. Fun eh??

I didn’t come up with this gem on my own. Oh no – I followed some great videos from Erin at Creating Keepsakes which you can find HERE. She tells you the materials you’ll need, the sizes etc. and she gives you step by step instructions on how to make one. I LOVE mine. You’ll love yours too 🙂 It’s certainly something different for me, but I thought a lot about where I’ve been and where I’m headed. It made me appreciate how far I’ve come in certain ways and how far I still can go. So fun.

5 thoughts on “Check this out!

  1. Alright, I love this. I may have to think about trying to do this myself…and if it doesn’t work never mention it again.


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