I Resolve To…

I’ve been thinking seriously about this past year – all of the stress, all of the surprises – and in my 20/20 hindsight, I can see so many areas that I want and NEED to improve on. Moving away from my comfort zone has been an eye opener, and has shown me that there is much I can accomplish – just me and the Lord – if I really put my mind to it. There are a lot of goals to choose from, but I’ll share just a couple, starting with the not-so-serious ones 😉

One goal I want to accomplish, is getting caught up with my scrapbooking. I know, nearly EVERY scrapbooker has this goal, but I am so close to accomplishing it. I want to be caught up with my photos – then scrapbook each photo as I take them. I think I could stay on top of it that way. I’m still ironing out the details of how, but once I’ve done that I’ll write down my specific tasks in order to reach it. I’ve been doing well so far – I’ve done about 10 pages since I’ve been here. If I keep working on it – maybe giving myself an entire weekend just to scrap, I can get completely caught up. Here is my latest (click on the photo to see it larger):

Another goal I’ve set for myself (which I’m a little dubious about sharing) is that I want to finally get into good shape. I’m unsure about sharing this goal because it means that I’m now accountable to more than just myself. I’ll have people asking me “So – how’s the fitness thing going?” “Are you reaching your weight-loss goals” or maybe no one will ask at all! There are benefits to living hundreds of miles from family and close friends – ha ha! Seriously, though, I’ve been inspired by my sister-in-law to start running – though admittedly I mostly walk at the moment. She has gotten into great shape – even after four kids – so why shouldn’t I? I have started running/walking 4-5 times a week, and doing pilates 3-4 times a week. I’ve also started really watching the calories that I put in my body. I’ve been surprised at how much garbage I’ve really let myself inhale! Gross!

Now for the more instrospective ones –

1. LIGHTEN UP! (no, not just pound-wise, emotional-wise!)I want to set an example of joy and happiness for my kids. I don’t want to walk around with a scowl, or continue to take offense to things that really have nothing to do with me. I want to be quick to smile, quick to laugh at myself and the silly things that happen in our lives. It’s something I’m praying for and hope the Lord will help me with.

2. (and this is the biggie) I want to behave in a way that my children and my husband feel like the most important people in my lives. I know it sounds like a no-brainer, but for me it’s something that I need to start making a priority. Things like stopping what I’m doing and LOOKING at my children when they talk to me. Things like showing more gratitude when my husband does things around the house. Things like taking care of myself and my looks every day, not just on Sundays – so my family knows that they are worth the effort. I want to speak with more patience in my voice than irritation. The list goes on. This, too, is something that I know I’ll need the Lord’s help with. I also think I can be more successful at this if I limit what I try to fit into a day, otherwise my patience will be thin and I’ll be too distracted to take the time with my family. If you read the journaling from the scrapbook layout at the beginning of this post, it tells of a sweet experience I had with my 3 year old, who wanted to help roll some dough. I was not showing much patience and I said “no – I’ll just do it”. She didn’t get upset, she just looked at me and said “When I’m big, I’ll have hands like yours. When I’m big I’ll have hair like yours, and eyes like yous, and I’ll wear clothes like you, Mommy. And I’ll be able to roll dough like you.” Even thinking about it now brings tears to my eyes. I had given her a big hug, then, and told her how much I loved her, but WHY didn’t I just let her help with the dough in the first place?

There are only 3 things that you take with you after this life: 1. Your knowledge/intelligence, 2. your character, and 3. your relationships. I will not spend one.more.day neglecting #3!!

So, that’s it folks! I know I can be successful at this.

6 thoughts on “I Resolve To…

  1. Oh Bobbi! What a good list! But, don’t worry…..I won’t be asking you every two minutes how you are doing on your goals….cause I will be too busy working on the long list of mine! LOL!I loved the way you recorded what little Baylie said. So cute. And the layout of you and that face……you just crack me up! You say you want to laugh more, but I think you are already on your way there when you can laugh at yourself like that. Way to go.I wish you all the best with your goals. Keep up the great work. You are in inspiration. And I recognized the last list that you had….we just listened to John Bytheway’s tape Who’s Values do you Value? yesterday on our way home from Church. The kids didn’t want to get out of the van until is finished and so there we sat in the front street listening to it…..I loved that he said that the only things we will take with us are our 1. knowledge 2. Character 3. Relationships. “Everything else we have in our shopping carts will be unloaded at death”.


  2. What a fab list Bobbi!Great layouts! I love the one of you. Good for you for bringing exercise into your life.I started back at Weight Watchers AGAIN on the 2nd, I want 2008 to be the year that I become a healthier individually both mentally & physically. Every Wednesday I will be tracking my progress on my blog & summing it up with a yummy recipe. I like you wasn’t sure if I wanted to do this but I need to be accountable so maybe this will help!


  3. You seriously are an inspiration girl, thanks for sharing some of your goals with us. You are going to do great at every single one of them.Best of luck with the running, once you get going you are going to be so addicted none of us will need to ask because you’ll just bring it up yourself. Just remember, go your own pace because you’re not racing anyone, even in an event.


  4. Do you have a routine for running? Like for example, do you just get out and run or do you pace yourself? I am training for a 6k run in March so maybe if you find something like that, you will feel even more motivated to keep going with it because you’ll have a goal to work towards and not just getting into shape. Not that getting into shape is bad but…I hope you know what I mean. I am starting to work up to a 20 minute run. Right now I run 1min and walk 1 min x10 sets. Next week, It’s run 2min, walk 1 min x6sets. At the end of 10 weeks, I should be able to have worked up to runnign 20 minutes non stop. I’m pretty excited. I ran a lot when we lived in Calgary but I didn’t really know how to go about it. I just went out and ran. It didn’t get me very far. You have some great goals. I know I write down what Tanner says because it can be easy to forget it. I think that you are a great Mom and wife. You never complain about your husband, which is something I personally need to resolve to be better at. Life is sometimes hard to balance but goals are always helpful. Good luck and I hope when you look back at the end of the year, you will have been able to gotten further ahead with your goals.


  5. What awesome goals!! Just remember one day at a time ;> I’ve always kept track of my working out with stickers on the days of the month and what I weighed. Stickers work for me and are give an easy view of what kind of month I’ve had! I try to give myself a 5 lb window and if I hit the high end of the 5 lbs it’s time to really put more effort in. Your body is 75% what you put into it and 25% what you do with it. Also weight training will give you faster results than cardio alone-especially if you only do one type of cardio as your body gets used to it quickly-mix it up. I also talk to myself positively when I’m exercising (which sounds cheesy but works) like ” I’m strong. My body is healthy. I can do this.” My 2 cents. Oh-and small,specific goals too-I’m sure you know all this. The whole mother thing-you’re a saint. You stay home with 4 kids. Don’t be too hard on yourself. :>


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